
Why do we self-hate?  Why do we not accept the love of others?  It all speaks to self-esteem, and starting by learning how to love ourselves.

Breathwork as a Treatment for Addiction?

What I take from this interview is that focusing on your breath, is helpful for so much of what ails us, including, but not limited to, addictions.  

"I got wind of an ex-addict doing breathwork with people at various rehabs with supposedly rave results. His name is Nathaniel V. Dust and he is not your typical hippie weirdo. Far from it. When I showed up at his house to sit down with him, he was wearing a pink tie, pink socks with the words “sock whore” and cats on them and a plaid suit jacket with a pink handkerchief peeking out of the pocket. Oh, and he has a mohawk."

Read the full article by Amy Dresner in Psychology Today